Maximizing rewards through reflection

Our investors benefit from a reliable reward distribution mechanism, whereby, MRC is self-generating upon every taxed transaction. All you must do is hold on until you’re ready to reap the rewards in all their glory.

Win rewards through Airdrop competition

Trading is ten times more fun when you can win compelling rewards. As a trailblazing new token, Moon Rocket Coin can be yours for free! Yes, that’s right! With our token promising tremendous potential, bagging a reward today can make for an amazing future tomorrow. But how does it work? It’s simple! All you must do is participate in our regular competitions and get the chance to win airdrop competitions. Once the app is launched, investors can stake their MRC to gain exponential benefits. Plus, guess what? The airdrops are reserved at 2% of our total supply!

Competition details: Stay updated

Airdrop competition will be held several times in the year. Time and date will be announced to the community.

Max 250 MRCs (airdrop) daily earnings per wallet entries

Max 1750 MRCs (airdrop) week earnings per wallet entries

Max 7000 MRCs (airdrop) month earnings per wallet entries

Rewards will be airdropped to the first 1000 entries per competition.

Max 500 coin per referral

*Please note that prospective winners must complete all mandatory tasks given
by the MRC Airdrop bot in Telegram to receive their rewards.